رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Nouvelle théologie and sacramental ontology : "

Document Type : BL
Record Number : 1004663
Doc. No : b759033
Main Entry : Boersma, Hans,1961-
Title & Author : Nouvelle théologie and sacramental ontology : : a return to mystery /\ Hans Boersma.
Publication Statement : Oxford ;New York :: Oxford University Press,, 2009.
Page. NO : xvi, 325 pages ;; 24 cm
ISBN : 0199229643
: : 0199664242
: : 9780199229642
: : 9780199664245
Bibliographies/Indexes : Includes bibliographical references (pages 295-315) and indexes.
Contents : 1. Introduction : the rupture between theology and life : -- Jean Daniélou's programmatic statement -- Ressourcement and the return to mystery -- Nouvelle théologie and Catholic-Protestant dialogue -- Controversies over Nouvelle théologie -- Outlining the sacramental sensibility -- 2. Eyes of faith : precursors to a sacramental ontology : -- Nineteenth-century 'footnotes' to Kant -- Ecclesiology and doctrinal development in Johann Adam Möhler -- Maurice Blondel and the 'method of immanence' -- Joseph Maréchal's quest for the absolute -- Pierre Rousselot -- 3. The mystery of the human spirit : De Lubac and Bouillard on nature and the supernatural : -- Introduction : Nouvelle théologie and the Reformation -- Henri de Lubac : Desiderium naturale as sacramental presence -- Henri Bouillard : analogy and sacramental ontology -- Conclusion : Néoplatonisme belgo-français -- 4. The law of the Incarnation : Balthasar and Chenu on nature and the supernatural : -- Hans Urs von Balthasar : analogy as sacramental participation -- Marie-Dominique Chenu and the Dionysian character of theology -- 5. A wheel within a wheel : spiritual interpretation in de Lubac and Daniélou : -- Spiritual interpretation and ecumenical dialogue -- Henri de Lubac and the fourfold method of interpretation -- Jean Daniélou's recovery of typological interpretation -- Allegory or typology? : the disagreement between de Lubac and Daniélou -- 6. Living tradition : recovering history for the church : -- Jean Daniélou : history and the primacy of the spiritual -- Development of doctrine : from logical syllogism to Christological mystery -- Yves Congar : tradition and traditions -- 7. Church as sacrament : the ecclesiology of de Lubac and Congar : -- Henri de Lubac : Church as sacramental presence of God -- Yves Congar : the sacramental unity of structure and life -- 8. Conclusion : the future of Ressourcement : -- Recovery of a sacramental ontology -- Ecumenical implications.
Abstract : In the decades leading up to the Second Vatican Council, the movement of nouvelle théologie caused great controversy in the Catholic Church and remains a subject of vigorous scholarly debate today. In Nouvelle théologie and Sacramental Ontology Hans Boersma argues that a return to mystery was the movement's deepest motivation. Countering the modern intellectualism of the neo-Thomist establishment, the nouvelle theologians were convinced that a ressourcement of the Church Fathers and of medieval theology would point the way to a sacramental reintegration of nature and the supernatural. In the context of the loss suffered by both Catholics and Protestants in the de-sacramentalizing of modernity, Boersma shows how the sacramental ontology of nouvelle théologie offers a solid entry-point into ecumenical dialogue. --From publisher's description.
Subject : Catholic Church.
: Katholische Kirche
: Romersk-katolska kyrkan-- historia.
Subject : Nouvelle théologie (Catholic theology)-- History.
Subject : Sacraments-- Catholic Church-- History of doctrines-- 20th century.
Subject : Ekklesiologie
Subject : Katholische Theologie
Subject : Katholische Theologie-- Frankreich-- Geschichte 20. Jh.
Subject : Mysterium
Subject : Nouvelle théologie (Catholic theology)
Subject : Nouvelle théologie (Catholic theology)
Subject : nouvelle théologie (mouvement)
Subject : Ontologie
Subject : Sacraments-- Catholic Church-- History of doctrines.
Subject : Sacraments-- Catholic Church.
Subject : Sakramentale Gegenwart
Subject : Sakramentalität
Subject : Spirituelle Theologie
Subject : Supranaturalismus
Subject : Tradition
Subject : Katholische Kirche.
Subject : Tradition.
Subject : Ontologie (filosofie)
Subject : Rooms-katholicisme.
Subject : Sacramenten.
Subject : Systematische theologie.
Dewey Classification : ‭230/.20904‬
LC Classification : ‭BX1747‬‭.B64 2009‬
NLM classification : ‭BN 6450‬rvk
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