رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Greek forms of address : "

Document Type : BL
Record Number : 1007851
Doc. No : b762221
Main Entry : Dickey, Eleanor
Title & Author : Greek forms of address : : from Herodotus to Lucian /\ Eleanor Dickey.
Publication Statement : Oxford :: Clarendon Press ;New York :: Oxford University Press,, 1996.
: , ©1996
Series Statement : Oxford classical monographs
Page. NO : 1 online resource (xxi, 336 pages).
ISBN : 0198150547
: : 6610764034
: : 9780198150541
: : 9786610764037
Notes : Revision of the author's thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Oxford.
Bibliographies/Indexes : Includes bibliographical references (pages 310-325) and indexes.
Abstract : How did an Athenian citizen address his wife? - his children, his slaves, and his dog? How did they address him? This book is the first major application of linguistic theories of address to an ancient language. It is based on a corpus of 11,891 vocatives from twenty-five prose authors from Herodotus to Lucian, and on comparative data from Aristophanes, Menander, and other sources; the data are analysed using techniques and evidence from the field of sociolinguistics to shed light on some long-standing problems in Greek. A separate section discusses the theoretical problems which arise from the attempt to reconstruct conversational Greek on the basis of written texts and concludes that this enterprise is indeed possible, provided that the right sources are selected. Analysis of the Greek address system leads to a reconsideration of the meanings of individual addresses and thus of the interpretation of specific passages; it also challenges the validity of some alleged sociolinguistic 'universals'. In particular, Eleanor Dickey examines some of the idiosyncratic aspects of Socrates' language, offering an exceptionally interesting and novel contribution to the problem of the 'historical Socrates'. Highly original, lucid, and jargon-free, this book offers many significant insights on both the literature and language of ancient Greece.
Subject : Forms of address.
Subject : Greek language-- Address, Forms of.
Subject : Greek language-- Social aspects-- Greece.
Subject : Names, Greek.
Subject : Names, Personal-- Greece.
Subject : Social interaction-- Greece.
Subject : Grec (Langue)-- Aspect social-- Grèce.
Subject : Grec (Langue)-- Titres de politesse.
Subject : Interaction sociale-- Grèce.
Subject : Noms de personnes-- Grèce.
Subject : Noms grecs.
Subject : Titres de politesse.
Subject : Forms of address.
Subject : Greek language-- Social aspects.
Subject : Literatura grega (história e crítica)
Subject : Names, Greek.
Subject : Names, Personal.
Subject : Social interaction.
Subject : Aanspreekvormen.
Subject : Grieks.
Subject : Persoonsnamen.
Subject : Sociale aspecten.
Subject : Vocativus.
Subject : Greece.
Dewey Classification : ‭306.4/4/0938‬
LC Classification : ‭PA423‬
NLM classification : ‭18.42‬bcl
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