رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" How many licks? : "

Document Type : BL
Record Number : 1008554
Doc. No : b762924
Main Entry : Santos, Aaron.
Title & Author : How many licks? : : or, how to estimate damn near anything /\ Aaron Santos.
Publication Statement : Philadelphia ;London :: Running Press,, ©2009.
Page. NO : 175 pages :: illustrations ;; 23 cm
ISBN : 0762435607
: : 9780762435609
Contents : Why be approximate? -- How to approximate : the Fermi method -- Simplify numbers -- About the format -- One last thing -- Puzzlers -- Appendices -- Abbreviations -- Conversions -- Useful numbers to know.
Abstract : "Rounding off. Sizing up ... Every day we make simple estimations about time, distance, probabilities, and other familiar number concepts. But what about the really big and really small numbers? The kind of numbers that you need to figure out the off-the-wall questions that we amuse ourselves with: Can you really dig your way out of prison with just a spoon? How many years till the Earth is covered in graves? What if you threw a house party and everyone on Earth came ... Health issues aside, can a student really afford to live on just ramen noodles for a year? In How Many Licks? physicist Aaron Santos poses fun and far-out problems to demonstrate the user-friendly Fermi method of approximations."--Page 4 of cover.
Subject : Estimation theory.
Subject : Probabilities.
Subject : Estimation theory.
Subject : Probabilities.
Dewey Classification : ‭519.544‬
LC Classification : ‭QA276.8‬‭.S2565 2009‬
Parallel Title : How to estimate damn near anything
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