رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Stockmen from Tekoa, sycomores from Sheba : "

Document Type : BL
Record Number : 1015199
Doc. No : b769569
Main Entry : Steiner, Richard C.
Title & Author : Stockmen from Tekoa, sycomores from Sheba : : a study of Amos' occupations /\ by Richard C. Steiner.
Edition Statement : 1st ed.
Publication Statement : Washington, D.C. :: Catholic Biblical Association of America,, ©2003.
Series Statement : The Catholic Biblical quarterly. Monograph series ;; 36
Page. NO : x, 158 pages ;; 23 cm.
ISBN : 0915170353
: : 9780915170357
Bibliographies/Indexes : Includes bibliographical references (pages 123-148) and index.
Contents : Introduction -- History of Interpretation -- Etymology and meaning -- Linguistic evidence for the origin of the Biblical Sycomore -- Amos's occupations -- Summary.
Subject : Amos-- Career in agriculture.
: Amos-- Career in herding.
: Amos-- Career in agriculture.
: Amos-- Career in herding.
: Amos-- Et la conduite du troupeau.
: Amos-- Et l'agriculture.
: Amos
: Amos
Subject : Agriculture-- Palestine.
Subject : Balas (The Hebrew word)
Subject : Herding-- Palestine.
Subject : Agriculture-- Palestine.
Subject : Balas (Le mot hébraïque)
Subject : Conduite du troupeau-- Palestine.
Subject : 11.41 study and interpretation of the Old Testament.
Subject : Agriculture in the Bible.
Subject : Agriculture.
Subject : Balas (The Hebrew word)
Subject : Herding.
Subject : Amos (bijbelboek)
Subject : Boeren.
Subject : Herders.
Subject : Bible., Amos-- Criticism, interpretation, etc.
: Bible., Amos, I, 1-- Criticism, interpretation, etc.
: Bible., Amos, VII, 14-15-- Criticism, interpretation, etc.
: Bible., O.T., Amos I, 1-- Criticism, interpretation, etc.
: Bible., O.T., Amos VII, 14-15-- Criticism, interpretation, etc.
: Bible., A.T., Amos., I, 1-- Critique, interprétation, etc.
: Bible., A.T., Amos., VII, 14-15-- Critique, interprétation, etc.
Subject : Middle East, Palestine.
Dewey Classification : ‭224/.8067‬
LC Classification : ‭BS580.A6‬‭S64 2003‬
NLM classification : ‭11.41‬bcl
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