رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" European integration as an elite process : "

Document Type : BL
Record Number : 1031217
Doc. No : b785587
Main Entry : Haller, Max,Dr.
Title & Author : European integration as an elite process : : the failure of a dream? /\ Max Haller.
Publication Statement : New York :: Routledge,, 2008.
Series Statement : Routledge advances in sociology ;; 40
Page. NO : xxix, 431 pages :: illustrations, map ;; 24 cm.
ISBN : 0203927303
: : 0415403901
: : 9780203927304
: : 9780415403900
Bibliographies/Indexes : Includes bibliographical references (pages 375-407) and indexes.
Contents : Living in two different worlds? the increasing split between elites and citizens about European integration -- European integration as an elite process : theoretical approach -- The political elites : how integration has opened up a wide field of new political careers -- The economic elites : between global capitalism and European (neo- ) corporatism -- The eurocracy : the irresistible growth of a new and powerful supranational bureaucratic elite -- One union or many? public views of integration in the different EU member states -- The dream of Europe : intellectual ideas of integration and their "realization" -- The European Union as a "social community of law" : proposals for strengthening its social and democratic character.
Subject : European Union.
: Europäische Union.
: European Union.
: European Union.
Subject : Elite (Social sciences)-- European Union countries.
Subject : Supranationalism-- European Union countries.
Subject : Elite (Social sciences)
Subject : Elite (Social sciences)-- European Union countries.
Subject : Elite
Subject : Elite.
Subject : Europäische Integration
Subject : Europäische Integration.
Subject : Integration
Subject : International economic integration.
Subject : Minderheit.
Subject : Politics and government
Subject : Politische Elite
Subject : Politische Willensbildung
Subject : Supranationalism-- European Union countries.
Subject : Supranationalism.
Subject : Wirtschaftliche Integration
Subject : European Union countries, Economic integration.
Subject : European Union countries, Politics and government.
Subject : Europäische Union, Mitgliedsstaaten.
Subject : European Union countries, Economic integration.
Subject : European Union countries, Politics and government.
Subject : European Union countries.
Dewey Classification : ‭341.242/2‬
LC Classification : ‭JN30‬‭.H348 2008‬
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