رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Equipping Japanese Women in America for Fruitful Ministry: Addressing the Opportunities and Challenges of a Shame-Based Culture "

Document Type : Latin Dissertation
Language of Document : English
Record Number : 1051102
Doc. No : TL50219
Main Entry : Yabuki, Yoriko
Title & Author : Equipping Japanese Women in America for Fruitful Ministry: Addressing the Opportunities and Challenges of a Shame-Based Culture\ Yabuki, YorikoGill, Debbie
College : Assemblies of God Theological Seminary
Date : 2019
Degree : D.Min.
student score : 2019
Note : 211 p.
Abstract : This project examines the historical, psychological, and cultural challenges faced by Japanese women living in the United States of America and how these factors inhibit their effectiveness in ministry in the American Church. Many Japanese women who live in the U.S. carry unresolved cultural baggage such as high levels of shame and poor self-esteem. Furthermore, Middle Way and Wa thinking discourage Japanese women from becoming servant leaders in the church; many of them adhere to an unbiblical view of the value of women. This results in an unbalanced perspective of a wife's duty to submit to her husband and the cultural value that women cannot be leaders in the church. The project's general literature review provides a historical underpinning for the unique challenges Japanese women face in America. The project's biblical-theological review serves as the foundation for building a biblical view of a woman's value in God's sight and role in the family and the church.
Descriptor : Asian American studies
: Theology
: Womens studies
Added Entry : Gill, Debbie
Added Entry : Assemblies of God Theological Seminary
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