رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" European Union Communication: A Contradiction of Strategy "

Document Type : Latin Dissertation
Language of Document : English
Record Number : 1053246
Doc. No : TL52363
Main Entry : Hansen, Lucus M.
Title & Author : European Union Communication: A Contradiction of Strategy\ Hansen, Lucus M.Anderson, Stephanie
College : University of Wyoming
Date : 2019
Degree : M.A.
student score : 2019
Note : 96 p.
Abstract : EU enlargement in the Western Balkans is critical not in just terms of safety and security, but also in the EU’s image and influence around the world. If the EU, which promotes itself as a peacemaker, cannot prevent Bosnia from slipping back into conflict, what kind of damage will the EU and its public diplomacy face? After examining EU foreign policy, communication policy, enlargement policy, and the critical role the systems play in the social and political state of Bosnia, the thesis demonstrates the EU is shying away from controlling the narrative in Bosnia. The EU maintains a passive approach to narrative control within the country due to a policy of domestic non-alignment. A strategy that dictates that the EU not take domestic sides on an issue, even if the issue is EU related. The policy of non-alignment directly contradicts EU enlargement communication strategy and policy. The shying away of controlling the narrative has both positives and negatives on potential EU enlargement and the future of Bosnia. Lastly, the passive approach to narrative control is resulting in apathetic EU social media engagement. Due to the EU’s structure of speaking with one voice, the EU is limited in its ability to engage with social media.
Descriptor : Communication
: International relations
: Political science
Added Entry : Anderson, Stephanie
Added Entry : University of Wyoming
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