رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Guidelines for Mobilizing Chinese Bi-vocational Kingdom Workers for the Newly Opening Belt Road Countries "

Document Type : Latin Dissertation
Language of Document : English
Record Number : 1053478
Doc. No : TL52595
Main Entry : Strickler, Rahn
Title & Author : Guidelines for Mobilizing Chinese Bi-vocational Kingdom Workers for the Newly Opening Belt Road Countries\ Strickler, RahnOtt, Craig
College : Trinity International University
Date : 2019
Degree : D.Min.
student score : 2019
Note : 174 p.
Abstract : The project set out to discover guidelines for how to best prepare Chinese bi-vocational Kingdom Workers to work and live missionally wherever God leads them. Of particular interest to the emerging missions candidates from China are Muslim peoples spread throughout the countries aligned with the emerging Belt Road Initiative. A review of international marketplace ministry and business as mission practices was undertaken. The project research focuses on a sample of existing Chinese-led Business as Mission enterprises. Interviews were conducted with ten different Chinese executives or owners, located in seven different countries, including China proper. Information on why companies chose to locate in an area and how the leaders were prepared, was elicited. Some correlation was made as to how the Chinese BAM companies conduct their businesses compared to the international BAM movement. There was convergence between the two streams, and at the same time several distinct issues and opportunities emerged for the preparation of future Chinese workers. Among these are: solid teaching on the theology of work for both candidates and senders; the need for life-on- life discipleship training prior to going out; for those inexperienced in BAM or marketplace ministry, the recommendation for apprenticeship with an existing company prior to being deployed; and, the opportunity for Chinese BAM companies to capitalize on emerging green technologies. The findings from these interviews provides material that will be used by the writer, his agency, and partners, in the preparation of bi-vocational Kingdom Workers. This will help new appointees they are coaching to live and work most effectively as they answer the call to go to unreached peoples in the newly opened Belt Road countries.
Descriptor : Biblical studies
: Theology
Added Entry : Ott, Craig
Added Entry : Trinity International University
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