رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Unity, Form, and Meaning: Tripartite Formulation of waḥdat Al-wuǧūd and Its Relation to Divine Manifestation and Beauty in the rubāʿiyyāt Attributed to Awḥad Al-Dīn Kirmānī "

Document Type : Latin Dissertation
Language of Document : English
Record Number : 1057171
Doc. No : TL56288
Main Entry : Tağıyev, Rafael Attila
Title & Author : Unity, Form, and Meaning: Tripartite Formulation of waḥdat Al-wuǧūd and Its Relation to Divine Manifestation and Beauty in the rubāʿiyyāt Attributed to Awḥad Al-Dīn Kirmānī\ Tağıyev, Rafael AttilaNasr, Seyyed H.
College : The George Washington University
Date : 2021
Degree : M.A.
student score : 2021
Note : 66 p.
Abstract : Awḥad al-Dīn Ḥāmid b. Abī l-Faḫr Kirmānī (561–635 h./1165–1238) is an eminent ṣūfī, whose writings – in comparison with his major contemporaries – are not investigated fully in terms of their literary achievement as well as their theological, philosophical, and esoteric dimensions. During the dynamic crystallisation of Ṣūfīsm through different orders (ṭurūq, s. ṭarīqa) in the late 12th and the early 13th centuries, he contributed to the development of the ṣūfī tradition through his own intellectual perspective. Accordingly, in order to understand 13th century development of Ṣūfīsm in Medieval Anatolia and Mesopotamia as well as the ṣūfī socio-political and intellectual environment that shaped Kirmānī’s interactions, this dissertation will utilise two methodological approaches. One theoretical approach embodies historiographical analysis to capture origins, structure and development of the diverse and fluid character of Ṣūfīsm in its spiritual and socio-political facets during the 13th century in Mesopotamia and Asia Minor. In the context of Kirmānī, this is majorly achieved through an anonymous hagiography called Manāqib-e Awḥad al-Dīn Ḥāmid b. Abī l-Faḫr Kirmānī, however, our primary aim is not to discuss extensively the historiographic facets of Medieval Anatolian Ṣūfīsm and Kirmānī’s contribution to it, but to investigate and to analyse Kirmānī’s understanding of a crucial ṣūfī doctrine, namely, waḥdat al-wuǧūd (the transcendent unity of being) as well as the doctrine’s tripartite formulation of waḥdat (unity), ṣūrat (form) and maʿnā (meaning) in the rubāʿiyyāt (quatrains) that are attributed to Kirmānī.
Descriptor : Comparative religion
: Middle Eastern literature
: Philosophy
: Religious history
Added Entry : Nasr, Seyyed H.
Added Entry : The George Washington University
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