رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Social Exclusion and Socioeconomic Inequalities of Black Stem Workers: A Systematic Review of the Literature "

Document Type : Latin Dissertation
Language of Document : English
Record Number : 1057537
Doc. No : TL56654
Main Entry : Adams, Bryce Lydell
Title & Author : Social Exclusion and Socioeconomic Inequalities of Black Stem Workers: A Systematic Review of the Literature\ Adams, Bryce LydellBouchard, Marcia
College : University of Maryland University College
Date : 2020
Degree : D.B.A.
student score : 2020
Note : 153 p.
Abstract : The purpose of the study is to explore the social impacts of socioeconomic inequities and inequalities Black workers have encountered since the era of sociologist and civil rights activist Dr. W.E.B. Du Bois. The focus of the study is present day Black STEM workers. Utilized was a qualitative configurative systematic review of existing scholarly literature. The research analytics application, MAXQDA, was used for preliminary coding of raw data. A manual inductive thematic process for synthesizing data was used for the identification of themes and findings (Harden & Thomas, 2008, p. 4). Three themes emerged: (a) racialism creates socioeconomic inequities and inequalities in STEM industry; (b) Black workers are perceived as lacking the intellect to succeed in high socio- economic status STEM jobs; and (c) more Black STEM leads to suppressed wages of non-Black STEM workers. While the issue has moral implications at the societal level, a key implication for management is that companies could realize a net gain in economic output between
Descriptor : Black studies
: Business administration
: Economics
: Ethnic studies
: Management
: Social structure
: Sociology
Added Entry : Bouchard, Marcia
Added Entry : University of Maryland University College
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