رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Abdalan-ı Rum, literature - Encyclopaedia of Islam, THREE "

Document Type : AL
Language of Document : English
Record Number : 1059613
Doc. NO : ALei10
Main Entry : Heß, Michael R.
Title & Author : Abdalan-ı Rum, literature - Encyclopaedia of Islam, THREE\ Heß, Michael R.
Publication Statement : Leiden: Brill
Title of Periodical : Encyclopaedia of Islam, THREE
Note : (1,231 words)
Abstract : Abdalan-ı Rum  (Abdālān-ı Rūm, from the Tu. sing.  abdal)  refers to “dervishes” coming from Rum, the former Roman territories of Anatolia. They are historical figures who lived from the seventh/thirteenth century until about the end of the ninth/fifteenth century. The  literature  about them is often legendary. Of the few of their literary works that have been preserved, most are posthumously recorded hagiographies or utterances only ascribed to individual figures. Much of this literature was apparently handed down orally for some time, raising serious concerns about the
Subject : Islam.
electronic file name : ALei10.pdf
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