رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Ahmed I - Encyclopaedia of Islam, THREE "

Document Type : AL
Language of Document : English
Record Number : 1059890
Doc. NO : ALei287
Main Entry : Piterberg, Gabriel
Title & Author : Ahmed I - Encyclopaedia of Islam, THREE\ Piterberg, Gabriel
Publication Statement : Leiden: Brill
Title of Periodical : Encyclopaedia of Islam, THREE
Note : (880 words)
Abstract : Born in Manisa in western Anatolia, Ahmed I (Aḥmed I, 998–1026/1590–1617) was the fourteenth Ottoman sultan (r. 1011–26/1603–17) and the eldest son of Sulyan Mehmed III (Sulṭān Meḥmed III, r. 1003–12/1595–1603). Ahmed I faced challenges on three fronts during his reign, two external and one internal. In the north-west, he inherited from his father a decade long war with the Habsburg Empire, which had been inconclusive and mutually exhausting. That war was terminated with the Treaty of Zsitva-Torok, negotiated
Subject : Islam.
electronic file name : ALei287.pdf
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