رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Dār al-Ḥikma - Encyclopaedia of Islam, THREE "

Document Type : AL
Language of Document : English
Record Number : 1061453
Doc. NO : ALei1850
Main Entry : Halm, Heinz
Title & Author : Dār al-Ḥikma - Encyclopaedia of Islam, THREE\ Halm, Heinz
Publication Statement : Leiden: Brill
Title of Periodical : Encyclopaedia of Islam, THREE
Note : (661 words)
Abstract : The Dār al-Ḥikma (“House of Wisdom,” called also Dār al-ʿIlm, “House of Knowledge”), was an institution of learning in Cairo, founded in 395/1005 by the Fāṭimid caliph al-Ḥākim (r. 386–411/996–1021). It was located north of the Western (or Little) Palace, facing the still extant Aqmar Mosque. The books of the palace libraries were moved there, and public lectures were held by jurists, Qurʾān readers, specialists in prophetic traditions (ḥadīth) , astronomers, grammarians, philologists, logicians, and physicians. In Ramaḍān 400/April-May 1010, al-Ḥākim
Subject : Islam.
electronic file name : ALei1850.pdf
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