رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Ferman - Encyclopaedia of Islam, THREE "

Document Type : AL
Language of Document : English
Record Number : 1061636
Doc. NO : ALei2033
Main Entry : Kütükoğlu, Mübahat S.
Title & Author : Ferman - Encyclopaedia of Islam, THREE\ Kütükoğlu, Mübahat S.
Publication Statement : Leiden: Brill
Title of Periodical : Encyclopaedia of Islam, THREE
Note : (491 words)
Abstract : A ferman (firmān) was a document issued by the sultan in the Ottoman Empire. It differed from other documents of the sultan such as berat ( berāt , a certificate documenting an appointment to a post, a privilege, a tax exemption, or an income allocation), name-i hümayun ( nāme-i humāyūn , royal letter), etc., by the fact that it contained his order or command. It became effective following decisions taken at the divan-ı hümayun (dīvān-ı humāyūn) and their subsequent approval by the sultan. The text of ferman s were written
Subject : Islam.
electronic file name : ALei2033.pdf
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