رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Verb Plurality in Kushi: "

Document Type : AL
Record Number : 1064386
Doc. No : LA108015
Call No : ‭10.1163/24685631-12340069‬
Language of Document : English
Main Entry : Gian Claudio Batic
Title & Author : Verb Plurality in Kushi: [Article] : A First Appraisal\ Gian Claudio Batic
Publication Statement : Leiden: Brill
Title of Periodical : Annali Sezione Orientale
Date : 2019
Volume/ Issue Number : 79/1-2
Page No : 3–17
Abstract : It is a well-known fact that in Chadic languages the notion of verbal plurality falls into two categories: agreement plurality, where a plural subject requires a plural verbal form, and pluractionality, a form used to encode the iterativity (i.e. repetitiveness) or multiplicity (i.e. multiple effects on arguments) of an action. Kushi, a West Chadic language spoken in north-eastern Nigeria, presents both types of plural. In this article, I will illustrate the derivational strategies employed to encode verbal plurality in Kushi—suffixation, infixation, and gemination—showing the existing correlation between plural form and root shape (i.e. verb class). Interesting features of Kushi plurals are the existence of two plurality morphemes (one for non-subjunctive TAM paradigms and one for the subjunctive) and the quality of the final vowel in subjunctive plural verbal forms. All the data used in this paper have been collected in the framework of an on-going project of documentation and description of Kushi. It is a well-known fact that in Chadic languages the notion of verbal plurality falls into two categories: agreement plurality, where a plural subject requires a plural verbal form, and pluractionality, a form used to encode the iterativity (i.e. repetitiveness) or multiplicity (i.e. multiple effects on arguments) of an action. Kushi, a West Chadic language spoken in north-eastern Nigeria, presents both types of plural. In this article, I will illustrate the derivational strategies employed to encode verbal plurality in Kushi—suffixation, infixation, and gemination—showing the existing correlation between plural form and root shape (i.e. verb class). Interesting features of Kushi plurals are the existence of two plurality morphemes (one for non-subjunctive TAM paradigms and one for the subjunctive) and the quality of the final vowel in subjunctive plural verbal forms. All the data used in this paper have been collected in the framework of an on-going project of documentation and description of Kushi.
Descriptor : African Studies
Descriptor : Bole-Tangale
Descriptor : General
Descriptor : Kushi
Descriptor : pluractionality
Descriptor : TAM system
Descriptor : verb plural
Location & Call number : ‭10.1163/24685631-12340069‬
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