رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Manqabad: "

Document Type : AL
Record Number : 1064389
Doc. No : LA108018
Call No : ‭10.1163/24685631-12340072‬
Language of Document : English
Main Entry : Rosanna Pirelli
Title & Author : Manqabad: [Article] : A Crucial Satellite of Ancient Asyut. A Preliminary Outline Through the Archaeological Data\ Rosanna Pirelli
Publication Statement : Leiden: Brill
Title of Periodical : Annali Sezione Orientale
Date : 2019
Volume/ Issue Number : 79/1-2
Page No : 79–110
Abstract : The Italian-Egyptian project at the Monastery of Abba Nefer at Manqabad started in 2011. The first three campaigns, carried out between 2011 and 2013, were actually brief surveys, strongly affected by the political instability of the country. During these surveys, the mission identified most of the structures already brought to light and recorded by previous investigations. Finally, during the campaign of autumn 2014, it was possible to work longer and to start the topographical survey and the investigation of the numerous structures still extant on the site. During the same season, the study of the previously discovered findings was also started. By analysing the two inventories kept in El-Ashmunein and Asyut (Shutb), it was possible to determine the number and nature of all the finds and their conservation status. Comparing the archaeological observations on the site and the studies of these last years on the finds (especially ceramics, and architectural elements) and on some written sources, this paper presents a synthesis of the results achieved so far, with a new focus on the pre-Christian phases. These results lead us to rethink and partially reformulate the articulation of the project and to broaden its final objectives.
Descriptor : African Studies
Descriptor : General
Descriptor : Manqabad
Descriptor : monastic architecture
Descriptor : Onophrius
Descriptor : Pharaonic Asyut
Descriptor : Roman castra in Egypt
Location & Call number : ‭10.1163/24685631-12340072‬
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