رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Spiritual Life and Relational Functioning: "

Document Type : AL
Record Number : 1065487
Doc. No : LA109116
Call No : ‭10.1163/15736121-12341353‬
Language of Document : English
Main Entry : Agneta Schreurs
: Peter J. Verhagen
Title & Author : Spiritual Life and Relational Functioning: [Article] : A Model and a Dialogue\ Peter J. Verhagen, Agneta Schreurs
Publication Statement : Leiden: Brill
Title of Periodical : Archive for the Psychology of Religion
Date : 2018
Volume/ Issue Number : 40/2-3
Page No : 326–346
Abstract : The purpose of this article is to contribute to the dialogue on spirituality in mental health care (psychiatry and psychotherapy). Spirituality is still an uncomfortable theme in mental health care despite a burgeoning literature and research. We will introduce a conceptual model on spiritual and interpersonal relationships based on love in relatedness. The model will enable the (psycho)therapist to assess the interconnectedness of spiritual and interpersonal relationships, to analyse positive or negative effects of spirituality on interpersonal functioning and vice versa, and to look for possibilities for spiritual and therapeutic change. Based on the model, the next step is to reflect on the relationship between psychiatry and spirituality with a view to dialogue instead of unfruitful discussion and controversy. We will propose a dialogue about the alternative DSM-5™ model for personality disorders. Although preliminary, we will show the usefulness of such an interdisciplinary dialogue.
Descriptor : dialogue
Descriptor : DSM-5™
Descriptor : identity
Descriptor : intimacy
Descriptor : relatedness
Descriptor : spiritual relationships
Location & Call number : ‭10.1163/15736121-12341353‬
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