رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Baptismal and Missional Ecclesiology in the American Book of Common Prayer "

Document Type : AL
Record Number : 1065750
Doc. No : LA109379
Call No : ‭10.1163/17455316-01102004‬
Language of Document : English
Main Entry : Eugene R. Schlesinger
Title & Author : Baptismal and Missional Ecclesiology in the American Book of Common Prayer [Article]\ Eugene R. Schlesinger
Publication Statement : Leiden: Brill
Title of Periodical : Ecclesiology
Date : 2015
Volume/ Issue Number : 11/2
Page No : 177–198
Abstract : I argue that the ecclesiology expressed in the American 1979 Book of Common Prayer is, in addition to being a baptismal ecclesiology, also inherently missional. After briefly attending to debates about patterns of initiation, I turn my attention to the prayer book’s theology of ministry, wherein all ecclesial ministry is rooted in baptismal identity. I weigh the relative merits of considering the laity as an ‘order’ within the Church, and consider the diaconal nature of the Church and its mission. I finally pursue the connections between between a baptismal ecclesiology and Christian mission. This involves a consideration of the prayer book’s baptismal liturgy (with particular reference to the baptismal covenant), and of the fact that baptism implicates the Church in mission because it implicates Christians in the paschal mystery. I argue that the ecclesiology expressed in the American 1979 Book of Common Prayer is, in addition to being a baptismal ecclesiology, also inherently missional. After briefly attending to debates about patterns of initiation, I turn my attention to the prayer book’s theology of ministry, wherein all ecclesial ministry is rooted in baptismal identity. I weigh the relative merits of considering the laity as an ‘order’ within the Church, and consider the diaconal nature of the Church and its mission. I finally pursue the connections between between a baptismal ecclesiology and Christian mission. This involves a consideration of the prayer book’s baptismal liturgy (with particular reference to the baptismal covenant), and of the fact that baptism implicates the Church in mission because it implicates Christians in the paschal mystery.
Descriptor : baptism
Descriptor : ecclesiology
Descriptor : initiation
Descriptor : ministry
Descriptor : mission
Descriptor : paschal mystery
Descriptor : sacraments
Location & Call number : ‭10.1163/17455316-01102004‬
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