Many have perceived and reacted to the fresh presentation of the Christian gospel in the pontificate of Francis. It is tempting to read this as a switch in emphasis from content to form, or from ideas to action, and play Benedict XVI off against Francis I: the introverted scholarly theologian followed by the charismatic preacher. Ultimately undermining such a dichotomising approach, this article describes, analyses, situates, and draws out Francis’ christology. Exploring resonances between Francis’ thought and some ressourcement thinkers (Romano Guardini, Josef Jungmann, Yves Congar), it uncovers the christology underlying Evangelii Gaudium. Attention to the role of christology in Francis’ thought, as well as the inspiration he continues to draw from ressourcement thinkers, especially Guardini, uncovers surprisingly significant links between Bergoglio and Ratzinger. Many have perceived and reacted to the fresh presentation of the Christian gospel in the pontificate of Francis. It is tempting to read this as a switch in emphasis from content to form, or from ideas to action, and play Benedict XVI off against Francis I: the introverted scholarly theologian followed by the charismatic preacher. Ultimately undermining such a dichotomising approach, this article describes, analyses, situates, and draws out Francis’ christology. Exploring resonances between Francis’ thought and some ressourcement thinkers (Romano Guardini, Josef Jungmann, Yves Congar), it uncovers the christology underlying Evangelii Gaudium. Attention to the role of christology in Francis’ thought, as well as the inspiration he continues to draw from ressourcement thinkers, especially Guardini, uncovers surprisingly significant links between Bergoglio and Ratzinger.