Yves Congar famously stated that Vatican ii ‘has begun to restore to us the pneumatological dimension of the Church .… [but] stopped halfway’. Focusing on Lumen gentium (lg), this article explores what its pneumatological renewal consists of. Two aspects in particular are studied: the number of references to the Holy Spirit, and the activities that the Spirit is said to undertake. lg is more consistent in referring to the Spirit than earlier drafts and the preconciliar encyclical Mystici corporis (mc), but not in all instances. Further, lg articulates the Spirit’s active contribution to the Church in a more specific manner than mc, but not always. Thus lg’s pneumatological renewal is a work in progress. As a fruit of the conciliar discussions, lg develops a more theological and trinitarian view of the Church, yet textual and redactional exploration suggests lg sometimes still uses the preconciliar Christ-focused and hierarchy-focused framework. Yves Congar famously stated that Vatican ii ‘has begun to restore to us the pneumatological dimension of the Church .… [but] stopped halfway’. Focusing on Lumen gentium (lg), this article explores what its pneumatological renewal consists of. Two aspects in particular are studied: the number of references to the Holy Spirit, and the activities that the Spirit is said to undertake. lg is more consistent in referring to the Spirit than earlier drafts and the preconciliar encyclical Mystici corporis (mc), but not in all instances. Further, lg articulates the Spirit’s active contribution to the Church in a more specific manner than mc, but not always. Thus lg’s pneumatological renewal is a work in progress. As a fruit of the conciliar discussions, lg develops a more theological and trinitarian view of the Church, yet textual and redactional exploration suggests lg sometimes still uses the preconciliar Christ-focused and hierarchy-focused framework.