رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Notes on the Ahraurā version of Aśokas first minor rock edict "

Document Type : AL
Record Number : 1067769
Doc. No : LA111398
Call No : ‭10.1163/000000083790081833‬
Language of Document : English
Main Entry : K. R. Norman
Title & Author : Notes on the Ahraurā version of Aśokas first minor rock edict [Article]\ K. R. Norman
Publication Statement : Leiden: Brill
Title of Periodical : Indo-Iranian Journal
Date : 1983
Volume/ Issue Number : 26/4
Page No : 277–292
Abstract : I therefore conclude that the sentence amaca budhasa salīle ālohe at the end of the Ahraurā version of Aśoka's MRE I arises from the misreading by the scribe83 of a carelessly written exemplar,84 and from his subsequent conjecture of words to make sense of the apparent nonsense which he had received. Although this may perhaps seem unlikely to some readers, the examples of miswritten akaras and the attempts of scribes to make sense of them which I have discussed elsewhere85 make it quite clear that may suggestion is well within the range of possibility. I therefore conclude that the sentence amaca budhasa salīle ālohe at the end of the Ahraurā version of Aśoka's MRE I arises from the misreading by the scribe83 of a carelessly written exemplar,84 and from his subsequent conjecture of words to make sense of the apparent nonsense which he had received. Although this may perhaps seem unlikely to some readers, the examples of miswritten akaras and the attempts of scribes to make sense of them which I have discussed elsewhere85 make it quite clear that may suggestion is well within the range of possibility.
Location & Call number : ‭10.1163/000000083790081833‬
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