رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Public Theology and Empirical Research: "

Document Type : AL
Record Number : 1069228
Doc. No : LA112857
Call No : ‭10.1163/15697320-12341440‬
Language of Document : English
Main Entry : Mark J. Cartledge
Title & Author : Public Theology and Empirical Research: [Article] : Developing an Agenda\ Mark J. Cartledge
Publication Statement : Leiden: Brill
Title of Periodical : International Journal of Public Theology
Date : 2016
Volume/ Issue Number : 10/2
Page No : 145–166
Abstract : This article asks to what extent primary empirical research has so far informed the discourse of public theology in practice, despite some positive comments about its usefulness in theory. A review of the literature in the field with a focus on articles published in the International Journal of Public Theology reveals that only a small number of articles have drawn from primary empirical research data, that is, gathered by the authors themselves. There is some evidence of secondary research data being used more extensively. This study explores how the authors gathered primary empirical data and how they related that data to the themes under investigation. The theological character of this research is discussed and a number of weaknesses are identified. In response, a number of points are made that indicate how empirical data might develop an existing agenda and advance the methodology of public theology. This article asks to what extent primary empirical research has so far informed the discourse of public theology in practice, despite some positive comments about its usefulness in theory. A review of the literature in the field with a focus on articles published in the International Journal of Public Theology reveals that only a small number of articles have drawn from primary empirical research data, that is, gathered by the authors themselves. There is some evidence of secondary research data being used more extensively. This study explores how the authors gathered primary empirical data and how they related that data to the themes under investigation. The theological character of this research is discussed and a number of weaknesses are identified. In response, a number of points are made that indicate how empirical data might develop an existing agenda and advance the methodology of public theology.
Descriptor : empirical research
Descriptor : methodology
Descriptor : practical theology
Descriptor : public theology
Location & Call number : ‭10.1163/15697320-12341440‬
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