رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Faith Development, Religious Styles and Biographical Narratives: "

Document Type : AL
Record Number : 1072218
Doc. No : LA115847
Call No : ‭10.1163/15709256-12341255‬
Language of Document : English
Main Entry : Barbara Keller
: Heinz Streib
Title & Author : Faith Development, Religious Styles and Biographical Narratives: [Article] : Methodological Perspectives\ Barbara Keller, Heinz Streib, Barbara Keller, et al.
Publication Statement : Leiden: Brill
Title of Periodical : Journal of Empirical Theology
Date : 2013
Volume/ Issue Number : 26/1
Page No : 1–21
Abstract : Narrative study of religious lives has formed part of numerous projects at the Bielefeld Research Center for Biographical Studies in Contemporary Religion. An essential instrument in our designs, which mostly combine qualitative and quantitative methods, is the Faith Development Interview (FDI). In response to longstanding criticism its cognitive structural framework has been revised in respect of styles and schemata. The religious styles perspective examines the self as articulated in narratives and associates it with affectivity and emotion. This article gives an overview of our theoretical and methodological revisions, which take cognizance of current developments in lifespan developmental and clinical psychology such as attachment, mentalization and wisdom. We illustrate the implementation of these advances with a case study from our current study of ‘spirituality’, which we locate in the complex multi-method design, and outline the triangulation of qualitative and quantitative data. Narrative study of religious lives has formed part of numerous projects at the Bielefeld Research Center for Biographical Studies in Contemporary Religion. An essential instrument in our designs, which mostly combine qualitative and quantitative methods, is the Faith Development Interview (FDI). In response to longstanding criticism its cognitive structural framework has been revised in respect of styles and schemata. The religious styles perspective examines the self as articulated in narratives and associates it with affectivity and emotion. This article gives an overview of our theoretical and methodological revisions, which take cognizance of current developments in lifespan developmental and clinical psychology such as attachment, mentalization and wisdom. We illustrate the implementation of these advances with a case study from our current study of ‘spirituality’, which we locate in the complex multi-method design, and outline the triangulation of qualitative and quantitative data.
Descriptor : biography
Descriptor : faith development
Descriptor : narrative
Descriptor : religious styles
Descriptor : triangulation
Location & Call number : ‭10.1163/15709256-12341255‬
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