Developmental psychology of religion is like a smorgasbord: For some authors conation is a major driving force, for others emotion, for yet others cognition, socialization, psycho-dynamics, and/or coping with critical or stressing life events, not forgetting attribution theory as a significant predictor. After recalling the necessary background knowledge, a specification for an integrated theory of religious development is presented, and a speculative scheme is advanced in which the weight of the partial theories depends on the native endowment of individuals, their levels of development and personal investment, and situational conditions. Developmental psychology of religion is like a smorgasbord: For some authors conation is a major driving force, for others emotion, for yet others cognition, socialization, psycho-dynamics, and/or coping with critical or stressing life events, not forgetting attribution theory as a significant predictor. After recalling the necessary background knowledge, a specification for an integrated theory of religious development is presented, and a speculative scheme is advanced in which the weight of the partial theories depends on the native endowment of individuals, their levels of development and personal investment, and situational conditions.