رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Debating Rights and Same-Gender Relationships "

Document Type : AL
Record Number : 1072478
Doc. No : LA116107
Call No : ‭10.1163/22124810-00402004‬
Language of Document : English
Main Entry : Joel Harrison
Title & Author : Debating Rights and Same-Gender Relationships [Article]\ Joel Harrison
Publication Statement : Leiden: Brill | Nijhoff
Title of Periodical : Journal of Law, Religion and State
Date : 2016
Volume/ Issue Number : 4/2
Page No : 194–226
Abstract : This article analyzes the increasing tension between equality in legal discourse and the moral argument of religious communities concerning same-sex relationships. It argues that a key component is skepticism of a prominent brand of rights language. The Anglican Church in New Zealand, Aotearoa, and Polynesia is raised as an example. The article traces the debates of this group over same-sex relationship recognition and argues there has been a shift: appeals to rights language, which were previously common within this community, are now more muted. Revisionists have responded to a skeptical claim: that rights language presents a roadblock to discussion and an unsound account of the person, our common life, and public goods. The article contrasts the claims of equality typically emphasizing self-identity and self-actualization, with the attempts of a religious community to discuss competing views on the recognition of same-sex relationships within a framework of gift-giving, duty, and virtue linked to sexuality. This article analyzes the increasing tension between equality in legal discourse and the moral argument of religious communities concerning same-sex relationships. It argues that a key component is skepticism of a prominent brand of rights language. The Anglican Church in New Zealand, Aotearoa, and Polynesia is raised as an example. The article traces the debates of this group over same-sex relationship recognition and argues there has been a shift: appeals to rights language, which were previously common within this community, are now more muted. Revisionists have responded to a skeptical claim: that rights language presents a roadblock to discussion and an unsound account of the person, our common life, and public goods. The article contrasts the claims of equality typically emphasizing self-identity and self-actualization, with the attempts of a religious community to discuss competing views on the recognition of same-sex relationships within a framework of gift-giving, duty, and virtue linked to sexuality.
Descriptor : Anglican
Descriptor : Equality
Descriptor : religion
Descriptor : rights skepticism
Descriptor : same-sex relationships
Location & Call number : ‭10.1163/22124810-00402004‬
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