رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Karl Barth regarding Election and Israel: "

Document Type : AL
Record Number : 1073415
Doc. No : LA117044
Call No : ‭10.1163/156973110X495612‬
Language of Document : English
Main Entry : Paul S. Chung
Title & Author : Karl Barth regarding Election and Israel: [Article] : For Jewish-Christian Mutuality in Interreligious Context\ Paul S. Chung
Publication Statement : Leiden: Brill
Title of Periodical : Journal of Reformed Theology
Date : 2010
Volume/ Issue Number : 4/1
Page No : 23–41
Abstract : Can Barth’s theology contribute to the development of post-Shoa theology? It is argued in the North American context that Barth remains tied to a Christian tradition of anti-Semitism. Scholars committed to renewal of Jewish-Christian relations learn from the radical legacy of Barth’s theology of Israel while at the same time critically distancing themselves from his limitations. This paper attempts to analyze Barth’s theology of election and Israel for the sake of Jewish-Christian mutuality and its implications for interreligious peace. Can Barth’s theology contribute to the development of post-Shoa theology? It is argued in the North American context that Barth remains tied to a Christian tradition of anti-Semitism. Scholars committed to renewal of Jewish-Christian relations learn from the radical legacy of Barth’s theology of Israel while at the same time critically distancing themselves from his limitations. This paper attempts to analyze Barth’s theology of election and Israel for the sake of Jewish-Christian mutuality and its implications for interreligious peace.
Descriptor : Anti-Semitism
Descriptor : Dabru Emet
Descriptor : election of Israel and Christ’s reconciliation
Descriptor : F.-W. Marquardt
Descriptor : God’s faithfulness to Israel
Descriptor : grafting model
Descriptor : peace with Islam
Descriptor : post-Shoah theology
Location & Call number : ‭10.1163/156973110X495612‬
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