رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" From Antithesis to Synthesis "

Document Type : AL
Record Number : 1073612
Doc. No : LA117241
Call No : ‭10.1163/15697312-00904013‬
Language of Document : English
Main Entry : Nathaniel Gray Sutanto
Title & Author : From Antithesis to Synthesis [Article]\ Nathaniel Gray Sutanto
Publication Statement : Leiden: Brill
Title of Periodical : Journal of Reformed Theology
Date : 2015
Volume/ Issue Number : 9/4
Page No : 348–374
Abstract : Recent scholarship further substantiates the observation that Cornelius Van Til depends on Herman Bavinck for his own constructive efforts. This observation creates a stimulus for comparative studies on the two theologians. In this essay I offer one such comparison by tracing an antithesis-synthesis strategy present in both Bavinck and Van Til. Though they share a motivation from the doctrine of common grace, the two theologians apply the strategy in distinct (though related) ways: Bavinck applies it for theological construction in a manner symbiotic with his organic ontology, while Van Til develops it into a self-consciously transcendental mode of reasoning and apologetics. This observation gives us insights as to why both theologians have been received (and misinterpreted) in similar ways, and that Van Til, though deeply dependent and influenced by Bavinck, developed Bavinck’s synthetic tendencies in ways that Bavinck did not do. Recent scholarship further substantiates the observation that Cornelius Van Til depends on Herman Bavinck for his own constructive efforts. This observation creates a stimulus for comparative studies on the two theologians. In this essay I offer one such comparison by tracing an antithesis-synthesis strategy present in both Bavinck and Van Til. Though they share a motivation from the doctrine of common grace, the two theologians apply the strategy in distinct (though related) ways: Bavinck applies it for theological construction in a manner symbiotic with his organic ontology, while Van Til develops it into a self-consciously transcendental mode of reasoning and apologetics. This observation gives us insights as to why both theologians have been received (and misinterpreted) in similar ways, and that Van Til, though deeply dependent and influenced by Bavinck, developed Bavinck’s synthetic tendencies in ways that Bavinck did not do.
Descriptor : antithesis
Descriptor : common grace
Descriptor : Cornelius Van Til
Descriptor : Herman Bavinck
Descriptor : Neo-Calvinism
Descriptor : theological methodology
Descriptor : transcendental argument
Location & Call number : ‭10.1163/15697312-00904013‬
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