رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Tobits Religious Universe Between Kinship Loyalty and the Law of Moses "

Document Type : AL
Record Number : 1074595
Doc. No : LA118224
Call No : ‭10.1163/1570063054012097‬
Language of Document : English
Main Entry : Gabriele Faßbeck
Title & Author : Tobits Religious Universe Between Kinship Loyalty and the Law of Moses [Article]\ Gabriele Faßbeck
Publication Statement : Leiden: Brill
Title of Periodical : Journal for the Study of Judaism
Date : 2005
Volume/ Issue Number : 36/2
Page No : 173–196
Abstract : The book of Tobit is among those Hellenistic period writings that convey a strong ideal of Jewish family life and family-centered religious practice. Tobit highly values family loyalty as a guideline for religious behavior, but establishes the Mosaic Law as the ultimate authority overruling requirements of family allegiance. In a world surrounded and threatened by Gentiles, the paterfamilias is responsible for redirecting the family's religious priorities to accord with the Law. Tobit displays close parallels with Jubilees in its use of the patriarchal stories to launch its pious message, which may help to situate the former within ancient Judaism. The book of Tobit is among those Hellenistic period writings that convey a strong ideal of Jewish family life and family-centered religious practice. Tobit highly values family loyalty as a guideline for religious behavior, but establishes the Mosaic Law as the ultimate authority overruling requirements of family allegiance. In a world surrounded and threatened by Gentiles, the paterfamilias is responsible for redirecting the family's religious priorities to accord with the Law. Tobit displays close parallels with Jubilees in its use of the patriarchal stories to launch its pious message, which may help to situate the former within ancient Judaism.
Location & Call number : ‭10.1163/1570063054012097‬
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