The eucharistic celebration is the highest prayer of the church, where through Christ, with Christ, in Christ, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, all glory and honor is given to God. In this article I examine the modus of the prayer of the faithful at the Roman Catholic eucharistic celebration in Nigeria. Are individuals free to express themselves in worship? I study the church’s worship and prayer and offer proposals from the perspective of modern Pentecostalism, which, according to recent surveys and research, is seriously influencing Catholicism in many African countries. Furthermore, I articulate a model of adaptation that respects the church’s liturgy and, at the same time, permits the faithful to experience their freedom and the power of the Holy Spirit during liturgical celebrations. Finally, I contend that both intellectualism and emotionalism are valid dimensions of being human and, therefore, are pleasing and acceptable to God in the liturgy. The eucharistic celebration is the highest prayer of the church, where through Christ, with Christ, in Christ, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, all glory and honor is given to God. In this article I examine the modus of the prayer of the faithful at the Roman Catholic eucharistic celebration in Nigeria. Are individuals free to express themselves in worship? I study the church’s worship and prayer and offer proposals from the perspective of modern Pentecostalism, which, according to recent surveys and research, is seriously influencing Catholicism in many African countries. Furthermore, I articulate a model of adaptation that respects the church’s liturgy and, at the same time, permits the faithful to experience their freedom and the power of the Holy Spirit during liturgical celebrations. Finally, I contend that both intellectualism and emotionalism are valid dimensions of being human and, therefore, are pleasing and acceptable to God in the liturgy.