رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Religion and Displacement in Africa "

Document Type : AL
Record Number : 1082959
Doc. No : LA126588
Call No : ‭10.1163/15743012-02103004‬
Language of Document : English
Main Entry : Karen Lauterbach
Title & Author : Religion and Displacement in Africa [Article]\ Karen Lauterbach
Publication Statement : Leiden: Brill
Title of Periodical : Religion and Theology
Date : 2014
Volume/ Issue Number : 21/3-4
Page No : 290–308
Abstract : This article is about the role of religion in contexts of displacement. The article looks at the role churches and church leaders play in the lives of refugees and more particularly the assistance that these actors provide. The analytical approach is to take into consideration both religious ideas and experiences as well as the everyday practices of people and the socio-economic structures within which they live. The empirical focus is on Congolese Christian congregations in Kampala, Uganda that for the most are founded and attended by refugees. I analyse the forms of assistance that are provided to refugees, how this is conceptualised as well as the practices in a perspective that includes the intersection between religious ideas (compassion and sacrifice) and ideas around social relationships, gift-giving and reciprocity. This article is about the role of religion in contexts of displacement. The article looks at the role churches and church leaders play in the lives of refugees and more particularly the assistance that these actors provide. The analytical approach is to take into consideration both religious ideas and experiences as well as the everyday practices of people and the socio-economic structures within which they live. The empirical focus is on Congolese Christian congregations in Kampala, Uganda that for the most are founded and attended by refugees. I analyse the forms of assistance that are provided to refugees, how this is conceptualised as well as the practices in a perspective that includes the intersection between religious ideas (compassion and sacrifice) and ideas around social relationships, gift-giving and reciprocity.
Descriptor : Africa
Descriptor : assistance
Descriptor : displacement
Descriptor : religion
Descriptor : sacrifice
Location & Call number : ‭10.1163/15743012-02103004‬
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