رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" The Political Economy of Institutional Corruption in Africa: "

Document Type : AL
Record Number : 1083603
Doc. No : LA127232
Call No : ‭10.1163/1821889X-12340037‬
Language of Document : English
Main Entry : Murrell L. Brooks
Title & Author : The Political Economy of Institutional Corruption in Africa: [Article] : The Case of the 1996–97 Tanzania Coffee Crisis\ Murrell L. Brooks
Publication Statement : Leiden: Brill
Title of Periodical : The African Review
Date : 2021
Volume/ Issue Number : 48/1
Page No : 140–167
Abstract : This article argues that institutional corruption is the central governance dilemma in Africa by examining the causes, outcome, and origins of the 1996–97 Tanzania coffee crisis. It shows how the growth and crash of a coffee price bubble became a harbinger for defining corruption as historically embedded institutional tendencies and advantages, instead of acts of individual malfeasance. Institutional corruption highlights political gains from the use of public resources in the form of political influence over producer prices, concentrated market power, and centralized policymaking for the wealthy and politically connected, as opposed to personal gains. This article argues that institutional corruption is the central governance dilemma in Africa by examining the causes, outcome, and origins of the 1996–97 Tanzania coffee crisis. It shows how the growth and crash of a coffee price bubble became a harbinger for defining corruption as historically embedded institutional tendencies and advantages, instead of acts of individual malfeasance. Institutional corruption highlights political gains from the use of public resources in the form of political influence over producer prices, concentrated market power, and centralized policymaking for the wealthy and politically connected, as opposed to personal gains.
Descriptor : agriculture
Descriptor : coffee
Descriptor : informal politics
Descriptor : institutional corruption
Descriptor : power relations
Descriptor : speculative bubbles
Descriptor : Tanzania coffee industry
Location & Call number : ‭10.1163/1821889X-12340037‬
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