رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" The Gospel of Judas: "

Document Type : AL
Record Number : 1085146
Doc. No : LA128775
Call No : ‭10.1163/157007208X287670‬
Language of Document : English
Main Entry : Frank Williams
Title & Author : The Gospel of Judas: [Article] : Its Polemic, its Exegesis, and its Place in Church History\ Frank Williams
Publication Statement : Leiden: Brill
Title of Periodical : Vigiliae Christianae
Date : 2008
Volume/ Issue Number : 62/4
Page No : 371–403
Abstract : The Gospel of Judas is a Sethian gnostic revelation dialogue which contains an unusual amount of narrative movement and casts Judas as recipient of the revelation. It is in large part polemic and is comparable to other early polemics, both of the gnostics and of their opponents. It inveighs against the eucharist and the clergy who celebrate it, attempts to substitute, for the supposedly inaccurate passion narrative of the four gospels, an account of the events as they really transpired, and sharply contrasts the character and fate of gnostic with those of catholic Christians. We treat first of its attack on the eucharist, next of its handling of the gospel narratives, and then of its polemic stance, comparing this with that of three other gnostic polemics, The Testimony of the Truth, The Apocalypse of Peter, and The Second Treatise of the Great Seth. In the light of this comparison we conclude with suggestions concerning the sort of situation our document might reflect, and the reasons for the selection of Judas as its protagonist. The Gospel of Judas is a Sethian gnostic revelation dialogue which contains an unusual amount of narrative movement and casts Judas as recipient of the revelation. It is in large part polemic and is comparable to other early polemics, both of the gnostics and of their opponents. It inveighs against the eucharist and the clergy who celebrate it, attempts to substitute, for the supposedly inaccurate passion narrative of the four gospels, an account of the events as they really transpired, and sharply contrasts the character and fate of gnostic with those of catholic Christians. We treat first of its attack on the eucharist, next of its handling of the gospel narratives, and then of its polemic stance, comparing this with that of three other gnostic polemics, The Testimony of the Truth, The Apocalypse of Peter, and The Second Treatise of the Great Seth. In the light of this comparison we conclude with suggestions concerning the sort of situation our document might reflect, and the reasons for the selection of Judas as its protagonist.
Descriptor : CLERGY
Descriptor : EUCHARIST
Descriptor : GOSPELS
Descriptor : IRENAEUS
Location & Call number : ‭10.1163/157007208X287670‬
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