رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Sed de quo peccato? Augustine’s exegesis of Rom. 8: "

Document Type : AL
Record Number : 1085278
Doc. No : LA128907
Call No : ‭10.1163/157007212X617281‬
Language of Document : English
Main Entry : Anthony Dupont
: Gert Partoens
Title & Author : Sed de quo peccato? Augustine’s exegesis of Rom. 8: [Article] : 3c in sermo 152, 9-11\ Gert Partoens, Anthony Dupont, Gert Partoens, et al.
Publication Statement : Leiden: Brill
Title of Periodical : Vigiliae Christianae
Date : 2012
Volume/ Issue Number : 66/2
Page No : 190–212
Abstract : Augustine explored four exegetical solutions to reconcile Christ’s sinlessness with the expression de peccato in Rom. 8:3c (de peccato damnauit peccatum in carne): de peccato as referring to (1) Christ’s death, (2) Christ’s mortal body, (3) the sin of Judas and the Jews, which caused Christ’s death, and (4) Christ’s sacrifice for man’s sin. Augustine’s elaborate treatment of the fourth interpretation in s. 152, 9-11 is the main focus of this article. In light of other works from the same period (417/418), these paragraphs can be read as implicitly answering Pelagian criticism of Augustine’s Christology. Augustine explored four exegetical solutions to reconcile Christ’s sinlessness with the expression de peccato in Rom. 8:3c (de peccato damnauit peccatum in carne): de peccato as referring to (1) Christ’s death, (2) Christ’s mortal body, (3) the sin of Judas and the Jews, which caused Christ’s death, and (4) Christ’s sacrifice for man’s sin. Augustine’s elaborate treatment of the fourth interpretation in s. 152, 9-11 is the main focus of this article. In light of other works from the same period (417/418), these paragraphs can be read as implicitly answering Pelagian criticism of Augustine’s Christology.
Descriptor : Augustine of Hippo (s. 152)
Descriptor : Christology
Descriptor : Patristic exegesis
Descriptor : Pelagian controversy
Descriptor : Rom. 8:3
Descriptor : sacrifice
Descriptor : sin
Location & Call number : ‭10.1163/157007212X617281‬
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