رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" The impact of marketing and public relations on modern British politics : "

Document Type : Latin Dissertation
Record Number : 1093421
Doc. No : TLets282955
Main Entry : Scammell, Margaret.
Title & Author : The impact of marketing and public relations on modern British politics :\ Scammell, Margaret.
College : London School of Economics and Political Science (University of London)
Date : 1991
student score : 1991
Degree : Ph.D.
Abstract : This thesis examines marketing and public relations techniques in British politics, focusingon the Conservative Party from the election of Mrs Thatcher as Leader and on thegovernment under her premiership.A review of the history of political marketing in Britain - and its impact - shows that thepractices of image-building and agenda management are by no means an innovation of the1970s. The public relations activities of the 1945-5 1 Labour Government bear interestingsimilarities to those of the post-1979 Conservative ones.The three substantive contributions of the research are: studies of the 1987 general election;government publicity since 1979; and finally an evaluation of the success of the marketingof parties and leaders in the Thatcher period.The 1987 case study surveys and evaluates political marketing, paying particular attention tothe role and input of marketing consultants in the preparation and conduct of the campaign.This includes an assessment of the Conservative targeting of 'critical constituencies'. Sourcesused are private party documents, interviews with politicians, campaign managers and publicrelations advisers, observation of party press conferences and opinion polls.The evaluation of governmental publicity concentrates on two controversial areas: advertisingin support of social and economic policy; and the role of Mrs Thatcher's Press Secretary, (Sir)Bernard Ingham, especially his relationship with the Parliamentary Lobby and his allegedmanagement of news. The material used includes a detailed analysis of advertisingexpenditure data (MEAL) over a 20-year period and unpublished evidence to the Lobbyenquiries.Finally, the third original discussion attempts to assess the success or otherwise of marketingin influencing voters based upon secondary analysis of opinion poll data.
Subject : Political science
Added Entry : London School of Economics and Political Science (University of London)
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