رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Cleanliness : "

Document Type : Latin Dissertation
Record Number : 1093688
Doc. No : TLets296132
Main Entry : Smith, Virginia
Title & Author : Cleanliness :\ Smith, Virginia
College : London School of Economics and Political Science (University of London)
Date : 1985
student score : 1985
Degree : Ph.D.
Abstract : The thesis examines historical attitixles to cleanliness: why peoplewanted to be 'clean'; and hz far they may have been so, in Britainbetween c.1650-1850, and in detail between 1770-1850. The social andnedical attitues of different groups were reconstrtxted fran thepopular nedical advice books known as 'regimens'; these were furtherdivided into two eighteenth and nineteenth century sanpies andcontextually analysed according to the different uses of the words'clean', and ''.It was found that there were three hygienic 'cleansing therapies'associated with the action of 'cool' foods, water, and air; and it isargued that between the seventeenth and eighteen centuries thesetherapies developed f ran an idealistic 'noral physiology' into appliedsciences. By the end of the eighteenth century the mixed diet, freshair, and warm cosnetic bathing, were the axians of individual,preventive, nedical hygiene. Direct references to cleanliness were setwithin a rroral philosophy of religious and social virtues connectedwith 'civility'; healthy civility praited an eighteenth centuryedtxational novaient which proposed the reformation of public 'mannersand habits' according to hygienic principles.The changing scientific interpretations of hygiene , and itsapplication to social and state policies is illustrated hy thechronological caiparison between the two sanpies. It is argued thatthe increased 'reportage' of health affairs in the nineteenth centuryre-confirned indigenous traditions within the genre, and at the sanetine strengthened the professional appropriation of 'rationalphysiology' - and its orientation towards public health. Thischror1ogica1 franwork is to a certain extent xnfirmed by thetherapeutic and econczuic history of public bathing facilities,culminating in one of the earliest pieces of nineteenth centurysanitary legislation, the Public Baths and Washhouses t of 1846. Thethesis anclx1es with a discussion of the functional and culturalfindings nost relevant to denographic history and to the history ofnedicine.
Subject : History
Added Entry : London School of Economics and Political Science (University of London)
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