رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Stakeholder analysis for interorganisational information systems in healthcare. "

Document Type : Latin Dissertation
Record Number : 1093742
Doc. No : TLets298621
Main Entry : Pouloudi, Athanasia.
Title & Author : Stakeholder analysis for interorganisational information systems in healthcare.\ Pouloudi, Athanasia.
College : London School of Economics and Political Science (University of London)
Date : 1998
student score : 1998
Degree : Ph.D.
Abstract : This thesis defines an interpretive stakeholder analysis approach for studyinginterorganisational systems and demonstrates its value in the healthcare domain. It isargued that the complex and political nature of these systems implies that the issuesaffecting their development and implementation go well beyond the primarilycommercial concerns on which current research in interorganisational systemsfocuses. This thesis is based on the assumption that this broader range of issues can bebetter investigated and understood through a systematic and comprehensive study oftheir stakeholders. It is argued that this can be achieved by adopting an interpretiveresearch epistemology, not least because of some common assumptions thatstakeholder analysis approaches and interpretive research share. The thesis unveilsthese common assumptions and uses them to define an interpretive approach to theidentification and analysis of stakeholder perceptions on interorganisational systemsand their context. Using previous research in the stakeholder literature this workexamines descriptive, instrumental and normative implications of the stakeholderapproach in interorganisational systems use in healthcare, a domain whereinterorganisational systems development is less likely to be driven by commercialconcerns. The descriptive aspect is made explicit with the study of interorganisationalsystems used in the drug use management domain whereas instrumental andnormative aspects are investigated in the context of the NHSnet, a controversialsystem pertaining the electronic exchange of information in the healthcare domain inthe United Kingdom. The thesis contributes to interpretive information systemsresearch with the systematic study of the stakeholder concept in an interorganisationalcontext and its grounding within the interpretive epistemology. It emphasises theimportance and interrelation between the different aspects of stakeholder theory anddemonstrates the value of each aspect in the healthcare domain thus also contributingto a rich insight in the particular empirical research context.
Subject : Management business studies
Added Entry : London School of Economics and Political Science (University of London)
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