" The most artistic town in England? : "
Hartnell, Roy George.
Document Type
Latin Dissertation
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Hartnell, Roy George.
Title & Author
The most artistic town in England? :\ Hartnell, Roy George.
University of Central England in Birmingham
student score
This dissertation set out to analyse the interaction·between art and design and the civic culture of a particularperiod 1n the development of a British provincial city; toestablish whether there were particular circumstances in thepolitical and industrial evolution of Birmingham which enabledartists and designers to make a special contribution to theircivic culture; to examine the role of individual artists,designers, poli ticians, patrons and officials, and thesignificance of three art institutions the Society ofArtists, the School of Art, and the Art Gallery, in thisprocess; to discover the effect of the visual expression of themunicipal reforms in architecture, design and painting; and toexplore the significance of the perceived status of artist anddesigner in the class structure of the town.As it emerged that the core of this analysis was acombination of the contribution of a number of outstandingindividuals which included several leading artists, the commonculture of a particular group united by the ideals of a "civicgospel~', and the role of the three art institutions, it seemedappropriate to adopt a narrative, historiographical method.The· dissertation traces the growth of the three artinstitutions and the contribution of a number of leadingindividuals from 1800 to 1914 and presents a case which arguesthat in the 1880's and 1890's, a significant group of artistsand politicians in Birmingham were united by a deeply-heldconviction that art and industry could combine with politicsand morality to create a modern and radical cultural identityfor their new city which could lay claim to the title of"perhaps the most artistic town in England." It concludes withan interpretation for the loss of this identity and a briefcomparison with the situation in the 1980's and 1990's.
Added Entry
University of Central England in Birmingham
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