" Die literarische Darstellung weiblicher Subjektivität in der westdeutschen Frauenliteratur der siebziger und achtziger Jahre "
Becker, Renate
Document Type
Latin Dissertation
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Becker, Renate
Title & Author
Die literarische Darstellung weiblicher Subjektivität in der westdeutschen Frauenliteratur der siebziger und achtziger Jahre\ Becker, Renate
University of Warwick
student score
Although the emphasis of this thesis is on the literary representation of female subjectivity in contemporary women's writing in West Germany, the first chapter looks back on the history of women's emancipation in Germany from the early 19th century until today. Selected examples of women's writing will show how women - in their writing and often their lives - attempted to break out of the restrictions which existing male images of women and society as a whole had set up for them. Included in this chapter are the beginnings of women's movements and the struggle for political and social rights. A comparison between those early beginnings and today allows the identification of differences and similarities. The pursuit of the question of how women break out of existing images or how they subvert them in their writing is not only of interest in Chapter I, but is followed up in the whole thesis. This has to lead to another question, namely that of female subjectivity. As women in a patriarchal society are enclosed by a set of images in whose production they did not actively partake, and as the exclusion of women from history perpetuated itself in the absence of women from the history of ideas and from language as the representative of the symbolic order (Lacan), the original question has to be modified to include the assumption that exclusion and absence cannot be overcome by the rational decision to be present. The emphasis in HButungen by Verena Stefan (Chapter II) is therefore on the possibilities of a feminist subject to express subjectivity, focussing also on the relationship between ideology and subjectivity. In Chapter III, which analyses the autobiography by Inga Buhmann Ich habe mir elite Geechlchte geechrleben, the focus is on the conflict between subjectivity and truth, as a self-imposed rule to "confess". Chapter IV is divided into two parts and includes an analysis of the po6tstructuralist theories of subjectivity of Jacques Lacan and Julia Kristeva, with emphasis on the role and function of language. The focus of the analysis of Rahschnitt by Ursula Krechel and Altweibereommer? by Pola Veseken (Chapter V) is on the subversion of language and the deconstruction of the unified, coherent subject as the producer of meaning, and the portrayal of female subjectivity as the réintroduction of the imaginary into the symbolic. Through these analyses the question of female subjectivity and the related one as to how women break out of existing images or subvert them in their writing are constantly addressed. The thesis is written in German.
PT Germanic literature
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University of Warwick
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