رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Fields of struggle : "

Document Type : Latin Dissertation
Record Number : 1094883
Doc. No : TLets363246
Main Entry : Fairhead, James Robert.
Title & Author : Fields of struggle :\ Fairhead, James Robert.
College : School of Oriental and African Studies (University of London)
Date : 1990
student score : 1990
Degree : Ph.D.
Abstract : The changing social organisation and practice of Africanagriculture, and the elucidation of 'indigenous technicalknowledge' (ITK) are both research priorities but are usuallyexamined separately. This thesis shows why ITK should beunderstood within the historically changing social relationsof its production and expression. Inversely, it shows why aninvestigation of the history of ITK improves analyses ofchanging social organisation. The study is based on socialanthropological fieldwork in a Bwisha community in Kivu,Eastern Zaire.Chapter one examines various problems in the elucidation andrepresentation of ITK. Chapter two reviews socialorganisation in Bwisha. Subsequent chapters focus on theseveral different histories which together constitute thechanging relations of production of ITK in Bwisha. Chaptersthree and four examine political economic forms. Land accessand inter-household relations are explored in chapter five,and intra-household relations are explored in chapter six.Chapter seven focuses in on food provisioning possibilities,and chapter eight on strategies of crop and soil fertilitymanagement. Each of these histories is the site of specificstruggles. Chapter nine examines how these strugglesinterrelate, how together they constitute the relations ofproduction of local knowledge and hence how they shape theproduct.Agricultural knowledge is found to be intimately related tolocal understandings of task, hierarchical and genderidentities, the nature of power and social organisationalform. Changes in farming knowledge respond to changes inthese and vice versa. The conclusion elaborates on thispoint. To say that farming is socio-politically embeddeddoes not go far enough.
Subject : Indigenous technical knowledge; Africa
Added Entry : School of Oriental and African Studies (University of London)
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