رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" The Ugly Duckling reigns supreme : "

Document Type : Latin Dissertation
Record Number : 1095833
Doc. No : TLets414028
Main Entry : D'Eye, John Preston
Title & Author : The Ugly Duckling reigns supreme :\ D'Eye, John Preston
College : University of Exeter
Date : 2005
student score : 2005
Degree : Ed.D.
Abstract : Using data obtained from questionnaires and tape-recorded interviews this study aims toanswer three questions concerning students' perceived needs for learning English, theirperceptions of the English language, and perceptions of their own French identity. Thisstudy found that their primary need for English was to succeed in their chosen futureprofession for which the English language was seen as necessary even indispensable.The inverse also held true: a shortage of skills in English could put a brake upon theircareer aspirations. The second need for English was for the purposes of communicatingwith foreigners and in order to be understood when travelling overseas. The third needfor English was short-term; for sport, music, the cinema and television, and surfing onthe Internet. The respondents expressed a need to learn the language to a sufficientlyhigh level and welcomed the present trend in French schools to introduce the teachingof English in infant schools. English is perceived as essential in the sectors of businessand communication, and as an easy language to learn in terms of vocabulary and syntax.However, the political closeness of England and America was perceived negatively, andthis in turn led to negative perceptions of England for some respondents. Just over halfthe respondents perceived a necessity to protect the French language against Englishand Anglicisms, citing the need to protect their culture, their heritage and their history.Those that did not perceive this need felt that in an ever changing world the Englishlanguage had already penetrated French, that all spoken languages were in a constantstate of evolution, and speaking a second language presented distinct advantages.Language appropriation was a common feature with the overwhelming majority of thestudents, even those who perceived it was necessary to protect the French languagefrom English, using Anglicisms in their everyday language. The majority of therespondents perceived an important impact of both the English language and AngloAmericanculture on their own youth culture, and felt that the language had a greaterpenetration in France than any other non-indigenous language. This penetration wasperceived as especially marked in the areas of music, cinema, television and fast-foodrestaurants. The respondents' perceptions of their own French identity were extremelystrong. They perceived the French language, the French culture, and centuries of historyas coming together to form a unifying and immensely strong heritage. The perception ofthe respondents was that not one single element of this heritage should be lost as itpresented a barrier against any eventual domination by either the English language orAnglo-American culture.
Added Entry : University of Exeter
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