" Employment restructuring in public sector broadcasting : "
Nicholls, Peter Leonard.
Document Type
Latin Dissertation
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Nicholls, Peter Leonard.
Title & Author
Employment restructuring in public sector broadcasting :\ Nicholls, Peter Leonard.
University of the West of England, Bristol,
student score
This thesis examines the nature and impact of a set of policies formulated during the1980s upon the labour process of television production. It locates both the nature ofthe reforms and the details of their impact within a broader account of the BBC whichhad become the special target for the government of Margaret Thatcher during the1980s.The study reports upon the emergence and development of a particular set of workpractices associated with television production within the BBC. Working within a setof ideas called 'public service broadcasting,' the workforce had relied upon a uniqueset of operating procedures that had survived well into the 1980s. This so-called"privileged" organisation, reliant upon a license fee for its income, became the objectof intense interest when an expanding media industry was looking for additionalopportunities for growth including the advertising industry.For those seeking to restructure this powerful organisation, often considered torepresent many of the core values of British society, such as free speech and a liberaltradition resulting in high quality creative programmes, the challenge was to depict anorganisation that was in need of modernisation. The form that modernisation took,under a government claiming to want to reduce the scale of the state, was an adoptionof neo-liberalism. Instead of a heavy bureaucratic state machine, open Inarkets wouldallocate resources in television in the fonn of consumer choice. Policies would bedevised to replace centralised bureaucracy with devolved budgets Inonitored byaccurate financial information systems. This it was clailned would place the BBCwithin a dynamic market place where a burgeoning independent sector would supplya fresh source of creative talent and drive down costs.Such claims made for the legislation and a number of management policies whichsought to reinforce these statutory reforms within the Corporation, appear not to besupported by the findings where there is strong evidence of the growth of temporarynon-standard employment in place of secure full-time jobs. This has resulted inlowered commitment and motivation in the workforce. The new procedures for theproduction process of television Inanufacturing resulted in unforeseen inefficiencieswhich held the potential to increase costs. Alongside these problems, the role of theproducer had been redefined to the point where informal social and political skillswere required and supplemented the core creative skills which had traditionallydefined this role.The introduction of market-driven reforms has redefined the nature of the televisionlabour process. From the results of this research, it appears that a series ofcontradictions and unanticipated outcomes makes many of the original claims forthese policies appear hollow. If this public sector broadcaster as an agency of thecentral state is to survive and flourish, it will have to create a role for its producerswhich allows for sustaining trust, open and honest cOlnmunications and creativity.The teams with which they work will need security, training and careers for sustainingmotivation and ambition.
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University of the West of England, Bristol,
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