رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" The process of curriculum development and implementation in Ethiopia "

Document Type : Latin Dissertation
Record Number : 1096348
Doc. No : TLets437836
Main Entry : Areaya, Solomon.
Title & Author : The process of curriculum development and implementation in Ethiopia\ Areaya, Solomon.
College : University of East Anglia
Date : 2007
student score : 2007
Degree : Ph.D.
Abstract : There are eight chapters in this thesis. Chapter One deals with currentliterature on curriculum implementation, which in a way helps as atheoretical framework. Chapter Two deals with methodological issues,and research questions asked. This involves discussion of qualitativecase study design for studying issues of educational policyformulation, curriculum development, and implementation at schoollevel. Chapter Three presents a brief historical account of thechanging pattern of curriculum in Ethiopia with particular emphasison the purpose of education, context of curriculum implementation,and practices of teaching & learning at different historical andpolitical periods in the countryChapters Four to Six present three case studies: the case of theprocess of policy formulation and curriculum development in Ethiopia,and two cases of curriculum implementation at school level. Theydescribe the background, the nature, and process of policy /curriculum development in Ethiopia and the reality of implementationat school level. Chapter Seven is a cross-site analysis of the key issuesemerged out of the three case studies. This focuses on issues to do withtop-down and `teacher proof nature of the reform, teachers' andprincipals' attitudes and practices, factors limiting and assistingimplementation, and the implementation gap between the top and thebottom.Chapter Eight sets out a number of conclusions and implications withrespect to each research question. It recognized the process ofcurriculum development and implementation as highly socialphenomenon, which cannot be mandated, and as something thatshould be owned with belief, commitment, and capability for realchange to happen. Furthermore, the cross-site analysis supports theliterature on the area that the exclusive top-down approach toeducational policy formulation and curriculum development inherentlyand logically has serious flaws to implement educational innovations at school level.
Added Entry : University of East Anglia
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