" Britain's Search for Chinese Cooperation in the First World War. "
Jones, A. P.
Document Type
Latin Dissertation
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Jones, A. P.
Title & Author
Britain's Search for Chinese Cooperation in the First World War.\ Jones, A. P.
London School of Economics and Political Science (University of London)
student score
Despite grove internal problems and a proclaimed neutrality, ChinaWas directly dram into the First World War.This thesis examines the impact of the war on China and Britain'sposition there. China's involvement was largely determined by the extensive foreign influence in the country, and China, t s break with Germanywas finally encountered by the allies, including Japan.Britain worked to man_imise Chinese cooperation in the war, toeliminate Germany from the Par cast and to draw on China's resources of men and raw materials. British efforts, however, were limited by wartimeexperencies end consequent foreign policy priorities. War in Europe leftJaper dominant in the Far East and eager to expand her power in China."For Britain the war affirmed the vital importance of the.Anglo-Japanesealliance. Like the United States, Britain aimed to uphold-Chinese intearityand independence, but this policy was limited by the commitmentto Japan, the de : ire to uphold exi , tir. ý7 British privileges in China endthe drive to exploit Chinese resources for the war effort.The thesis traces developments in China : from 1914 to 1913. The allieslern, by J4p, n first too; military action in Chinese territory n ginsGear~lýr'y. ' sf or-br^ is at Tsinü i; no- In 1915 Japan confronted China with her'Ti,,, ty Ono- Dcr1;,n, ds', Later the Chinese President l-xinched o, monrrchiom. 1r ovc:.:° , at an.' " in I ov ,:ä. cr ýc o "ýrýc, to_t r ;'.e? -max on Ll. ^ side.Japan opposed both thctie schemes. In 1916, rival warlords stru, - led forPower in China and civil wer beg=an in 1917. By then France and Britainhad bunched a major scheme to recruit Chinese labourers for non-combatantservice in France. Follot"rinc; an American invitation, China moved a.,; ainstGermany and entered the wax under Anglo-Japanese. guidance on 14 August1917. Various schemes for Chinats greater participation in the wex werechecked. by internal disorder end international rivalries, but China providedmaterials and the mercenary, Chinese Labour Corps end helped tocontain Bolshevism in Siberia and in the removal of German subjects andtheir trade from China.
Added Entry
London School of Economics and Political Science (University of London)
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