رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Safeguarding children in primary care : "

Document Type : Latin Dissertation
Record Number : 1096794
Doc. No : TLets486024
Main Entry : Smith, Lorraine Mary
Title & Author : Safeguarding children in primary care :\ Smith, Lorraine Mary
College : University of Surrey
Date : 2008
student score : 2008
Degree : Ph.D.
Abstract : The Laming Report in 2003 criticised organisations including the health service,for what appeared widespread organisational malaise and a failure of good basicpractice in respect of safeguarding children.This study set out to answer the research question of how. staff should besupported within primary health care teams in relation to safeguarding children. Itsought to gain an organisational perspective on the value of the existing role of alead professional for child protection and to identify and compare other similarmodels. The direction for this study stemmed from a Policy Analysis and ServiceDevelopment Project as precursors to this study and _part of a ProfessionalDoctorate programme.The study took place during 2004-2007 in a PCT in the UK, within a context ofprolific organisational and policy change.Q-methodology was selected -as themost appropriate way to systematicaliy examine subjective data, illuminatedifferent viewpoints and perceptions, and to 'hear many voices'. This approachallowed apparent chaos of the Prime worker role to be explored in depth throughgeneration of the concourse, the Q-sort and through the discourse generated. Apurposive sample for the Q-sort included ten people within the organisation andwider stakeholders who had a key strategic role and influence on child protection.Interviews were undertaken with a Government Policy Advisor and a PCTDirector, and an on-line GP discussion group sought to explore different aspectsof the findings.An inductive approach to analysis was undertaken in order to discover factors andthemes emerging from the data. Descriptive statistical analysis prOVided initialdata reduction and demonstrated significance in the Sorting. All discourse fromthe sort process and interviews were taped and transcribed by the researcher tosupport data immersion. A manual method of coding was employed.From the themes emerging from this study, a number of building blocks thatcontribute to the facilitation of child protection systems in primary care have beenidentified. These include the importance of meta communication (howcommunication is communicated), the need for the PCT to support GPs indeveloping their role in safeguarding, the importance of the PCT leadinginnovation and a consensus as to the value of a lead professional for childprotection within primary care (Prime worker). This study also identified concernsabout the perceived impact of competing government policy on child protectionsystems and networks. Recommendations have been made that include the nPCTsupporting and developing the Prime worker role in all GP Practices across theCounty.The researcher proposes the Q-sort method is a useful and reliable method forliberating opinion in a politically charged area where senior staff may be reluctantto express personal views and subjective opinion.
Added Entry : University of Surrey
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