رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Analysis of dialectic of democratic consolidation, de-institutionalization nas re-instituzionalitation in Bolivia 2002-2005 "

Document Type : Latin Dissertation
Record Number : 1097068
Doc. No : TLets496953
Main Entry : Harten, Sven
Title & Author : Analysis of dialectic of democratic consolidation, de-institutionalization nas re-instituzionalitation in Bolivia 2002-2005\ Harten, Sven
College : London School of Economics and Political Science (University of London)
Date : 2009
student score : 2009
Degree : Ph.D.
Abstract : How can we explain the electoral success of Evo Morales' Movimiento Al Socialismo (MAS) in2005 and what are its political consequences? A discursive analysis of MAS highlights thatBolivia's recent political crises involved a process of hegemonic construction of a politicalidentity of "the people" and of an imagined community of the "plurinational" nation by MAS.This hegemonic articulation was a key factor for MAS to become Bolivia's largest politicalparty. It entailed the split of society into two antagonistic poles of "the people" and "thetraditional politicians". The latter were made responsible for the design of the existing politicalsystem and thus for the long standing grievance of the exclusion of the indigenous peoples.MAS, by contrast, positioned itself as idiosyncratic "political instrument" that acted with onefoot inside and the other outside the political institutions owing to its strong links with the socialmovements.This idiosyncrasy enabled MAS to bridge the previously disconnected spheres of official andextra-institutional politics. It entailed a process of de-institutionalisation of the discreditedpolitical system since MAS refused to play by the established rules of the game. However,through the bridging of the two spheres it moved those previously disenchanted with the politicalsystem to the centre of the polis. This initiated a process of re-institutionalisation of a"refounded" state with the promise to install adequate institutions uniting Bolivia's"plurinational" diversity.In sum, MAS united all disenfranchised by the status quo into one identity against a commonantagonist with the consequence of a dialectic process of de-institutionalisation and reinstitutionalisation.The analysis of the discourse of MAS serves as a mirror for democracy inBolivia. It reveals the challenge of squaring the rupture with a discredited past and the exclusionof de-legitimised political actors, with the continuity of democracy and with the aim tohegemonically represent society.
Added Entry : London School of Economics and Political Science (University of London)
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