" India's information technology industry : "
Harindranath, Gopalakrishnan
Document Type
Latin Dissertation
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Harindranath, Gopalakrishnan
Title & Author
India's information technology industry :\ Harindranath, Gopalakrishnan
London School of Economics and Political Science (University of London)
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Despite the shift towards more market-oriented economic strategies, there is acontinuing need for state policy to play the role of a nurturer of high technologyindustries in many countries. This is especially true of the information technology (IT)industry, characterised by rapid technological change, necessity of economies of scale,research inputs, and the constant upgrading of skills.This thesis examines the impact of state policy liberalisation and globalisation onIndia's IT firms, and the means by which they are responding to policy changes in the1990s. India' s IT industry has experienced a variety of policy interventions, fromprotectionism in the 1970s and early 1980s to liberalisation of the economy in the1990s, thus providing a rich area for research. The study investigates the impact ofpolicy change on both computer hardware and software components of the Indian ITindustry by analysing the legacy of past policies as well as changes in firm-levelstrategies in the 1990s.Liberalisation and globalisation are now being upheld by policy makers as the soledeterminants of international competitiveness for the Indian IT industry in the nineties.However. the impact of liberalisation and globalisation may be both positive andnegative; they provide a pathway to continuous technological upgrading, but at the sametime threaten the survival of indigenous IT firms and their technological capabilities,built on the basis of import substitution. This thesis argues that liberalisation implies acontinuing link between government and industry, and that it needs to go hand-in-handwith interventionist measures. The state has a continuing role to play in fostering the ITindustry and creating the conditions for international competitiveness, even underliberalised economic conditions. Although Indian IT firms are shown to be adapting tothe new policy environment, the industry's future can be better secured by a renewedpolicy emphasis on developing the domestic industry and market, accompanied by apush for IT consumption as against mere production and export.
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London School of Economics and Political Science (University of London)
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