رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Valuing people and health facilitation : "

Document Type : Latin Dissertation
Record Number : 1097923
Doc. No : TLets525868
Main Entry : Whitehead, Catherine Glynis
Title & Author : Valuing people and health facilitation :\ Whitehead, Catherine Glynis
College : University of Salford
Date : 2010
student score : 2010
Degree : Ph.D.
Abstract : The health needs of people with learning disabilities are greater that those of the general population and yet they have inadequate access to health services. In 2001 the British government published Valuing People which demanded better access to mainstream health services for people with learning disabilities, and in England the role of health facilitation was initiated as the principle means by which the health status of people with learning disabilities throughout England was to be improved. This thesis reports on an investigation into the phenomenon of health facilitation within learning disability services in England. An eclectic methodology based on a phenomenological approach was employed to gain an understanding of the essential truths of health facilitation as experienced by health facilitators. Four research methods were utilised: a policy analysis; a Delphi study; a series of semi-structured interviews; and a reference group. Data revealed: a degree of insecurity amongst health facilitators in relation to themselves and their roles; a lack of leadership at all levels; the inadequacy of management and support available; concern as to the quality of health action plans; and the slow and limited progress achieved. The thesis notes that Valuing People (2001) had been received as a creative and innovative policy in its development and approach. However, its: vagueness towards the health facilitation role; deficiency in providing appropriate leadership; and the lack of investment in terms of health facilitator capital were found to have been detrimental to the progression of health facilitation. Valuing People (2001) predicted an annual growth of one per cent within the severely learning disabled population. This, and the damning reports relating to the failure of mainstream health services, demonstrates the relevance of this research. This thesis contributes to the body of knowledge of health facilitation and learning disability and has significant implications for health service provision, good health, and social policy.
Added Entry : University of Salford
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