رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Concrete visions : "

Document Type : Latin Dissertation
Record Number : 1098073
Doc. No : TLets530406
Main Entry : Boys, Jos
Title & Author : Concrete visions :\ Boys, Jos
College : The University of Reading
Date : 2001
student score : 2001
Degree : Ph.D.
Abstract : The genesis on this research began a very long time ago - probably from the momentI became an architectural student in 1974 and was endlessly confused by the disjuncturesbetween what my clever, passionate, thoughtful modernist tutors said and the bleakmechanical qualities of many of their design solutions; between the deliberately obscurelanguages proffered as `obvious' within the academy and the inability of my family andfriends to talk about architecture in anything but the most banal way.Then, later in the late 1970s and into the 1980s, stumbling into Marxist and feministpolitics looking for models which more effectively explained the relationship between thesocial and architecture; and finding similar gaps between what was being offered as `proper'political action and a strange difficulty with aesthetics and beauty; and between what wasconstituted as the feminist problem (the isolation of the white middle class housewife) and themuch more complex experiences of my own suburban upbringing. Despite being a relativelyconventional product of my generation - those post second war white middle-class womenwho went into higher education in Britain in such numbers in the 1960s and 70s - it continuedto feel as if I was, as Sheila Rowbotham put it, " lumber(ing) around ungainly-like inborrowed concepts which did not fit the shape we feel ourselves to be". 'My continuing need to understand the means by which different people make senseof, and survive in, the world - and in particular to understand how we engage with itsarchitectural landscapes - and a frustration with `conventional' or `radical' accounts has ledto a search for ways of thinking about physical space that can simultaneously value itsarchitectural qualities whilst integrating the complexities and inequalities of social, culturaland economic relationships. On the one hand, we seem endless bogged down in a cyclicalargument which sets elitist designers against popular opinion as a way of framing debatesabout what constitutes good design and how the social qualities of architecture should beexpressed. On the other, we seem to have contemporary theories caught in merely revealingsociety as relativity and difference. I want, instead, to open up architecture and all itscomplex problems and pleasures, to truly public debate - where the different concerns thatmatter to architects and to others can be negotiated within the same conceptual space(without issues of power and inequality disappearing either into simply defined oppressions orinto an amorphous plurality of different identities).
Added Entry : The University of Reading
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