رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Hierarchy in the Early Helladic Peloponnese "

Document Type : Latin Dissertation
Record Number : 1099227
Doc. No : TLets568985
Main Entry : Smith, David Michael
Title & Author : Hierarchy in the Early Helladic Peloponnese\ Smith, David Michael
College : University of Liverpool
Date : 2011
student score : 2011
Degree : Ph.D.
Abstract : The Early Helladic period in the Peloponnese (c. 3100 -2000 BC) is traditionally viewed as a phase of incipient hierarchical social organisation. This interpretation rests with a series of socio-economic developments perceived to represent an increased socio-economic complexity over that visible during the Late and Final Neolithic, including the appearance of organised, highly-socialised burial practices, a monumental architectural tradition, a non-uniform shift in Peloponnesian settlement patterns, the advent of sealing practices, an expansion of overland and maritime trade relationships and an increased visibility for metallurgical practice and Other specialist technologies. The second phase of the period, Early Helladic (E!"!) Il, and particularly so its later stages, is seen to represent a socio-cultural apex for the Early Helladic period and that for which the existence of elite groups on the Early Bronze Age Greek mainland -: has been most fervently proposed. There is a persistent belief that these dynamic multi-scale changes represent correlative developments articulated within a coherent and contemporary 'system' of social behaviours, within which social hierarchy was present from the start or out of which it quickly developed. Through the analysis of infant and adult burial practices, regional settlement activity and the use of monumental architecture in multiple modes of social interaction, this thesis demonstrates that a far more complex situation is evident. One in which systemic centralisation of 'elite' behaviours can be largely deconstructed in favour of temporally- and spatially-specific developments resulting from inter-group interaction or the particular geological, geographical or socio-political position of the study area. Increasingly accurate artefactual chronologies have allowed the identification of local and regional variation in behaviour which challenge existing ideas of 'hierarchy' and its operation in the Early Bronze Age Peloponnese, and suggests instead that the evident complexity of the period may find its origins in non-stratified communal and inter-communal action.
Added Entry : University of Liverpool
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