رکورد قبلیرکورد بعدی

" Towards a relational hermeneutic : "

Document Type : Latin Dissertation
Record Number : 1099582
Doc. No : TLets577179
Main Entry : Olhausen, Wiliam Paul
Title & Author : Towards a relational hermeneutic :\ Olhausen, Wiliam Paul
College : University of Liverpool
Date : 2007
student score : 2007
Degree : Ph.D.
Abstract : This thesis exploits recent research in the field of pragmatics and the emerging fieldof historical pragmatics to make the case for a relational hermeneutic that canfacilitate an integrated approach with the concerns of theology as these arise withinthe grammar of the biblical texts.In the first part of the study the nature and status of language is shown to be central tothe hermeneutic problematic. The interface of the philosophy of language withbiblical and theological hermeneutics is investigated through critical discussion ofAnthony Thiselton's appeal to speech act theory. It is argued that the trajectory in H.Paul Grice's philosophy of language is better able to elucidate the hermeneutic task.In particular, speech act theory struggles" account for the dialogical andconversational nature of discourse. In turn, this has serious consequences forThiselton's attempt to integrate theology with his philosophical hermeneutics. It isargued that a theological account of language depends on priority being given torelational rather than institutional or even social considerations.In pali two a revised account of Brown and Levinson's theory of politeness is used asa basis for developing a relational hermeneutic. Consideration of Piene Bourdieu' ssocial anthropology and Erving Goffman's analysis of social interaction invite furtherrevision in light of Pauline anthropology. This revised framework is better able toaccount for the logic of Paul's appeal to the cross and the participant role of the Spiritin I Cor. I: 18-2: 16. Specifically, description of the theological horizon in Paul'sdiscourse is essential within the terms of a relational hermeneutic and no specialpleadings need be made. Finally, the implications for pragmatics as well as fortheological and biblical hermeneutics are noted.
Added Entry : University of Liverpool
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